Sunday, February 17, 2013

Islamic Dangers Now Stalk Adelaide: Attempts To Impose Islamic Rules Should Be Resisted

First sharia dress codes ….. It has usually been the case - up to now - that Moslem groups have demanded ‘rights’ in our society – the right to cover their faces in banks and on driving licenses, the right to establish Mosques where they like, the right to eat halal foods and have them labelled – but now a new cultural danger has come to the fore. One Moslem group demanded the right to impose Islamic practices upon Australians.***************************** Two female teachers from the Islamic College of South Australia have been compelled to start court action against being unfairly dismissed because their attire was considered inappropriate. ***************************** The teachers were sacked last year by the West Croydon school, which issued a warning to all female teachers - Muslim and non-Muslim - to wear a hijab head scarf, or face the sack.******************************* School principal Kadir Emniyet defended the school's policy, which he said he had discussed with all 42 teachers. He said "90 per cent of them are happy to adhere to the policy". Were most of the teachers Moslem? And if not, why did any Australian agree to it? ******************************************** Mr Emniyet, also said male teachers who breached the staff dress code - for example, by wearing shorts - would face the same three-strikes warning system as female teachers who did not adhere to the headscarf policy.*************************************** This smacks of sharia law and is alien to Australian cultural practise.

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