We have said so all the way along. When the Inverbrackie protest movement approached the Liberal Party for help - we said they would get doubletalk. Why? Because the Liberal party is all for refugees.
The truth was reported in The Australian newspaper (December 1). It seems that Liberal Immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, fronted the Lowy Institute in Sydney on November 30 and he revealed a clever plan.
The Liberals want to up the refugee intake. They want camps on site in the Pakistan border areas to deal with the masses of Central Asians (Afghanis mainly at this time) who want a free ride to Australia. They will process them in an orderly way. And they can enter in an orderly way to jobs,
welfare and housing.
Great plan.
How about a repudiation of the 1951 United Nations Treaty on refugees? How about no refugees? How about returning these so-called refugees of the last many years back home (a nice start)?
The Liberal Party is a party of national surrender.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
To Those Who Would Buckle Under And To Those Prepared To Fight: We Say - Derail The Train!
A key organizer of the initial Inverbrackie Detention Centre protest, Mrs. Briohny Pitts, was quoted last week as saying: "there's a freight train coming . you can get run over or jump on board." Australia First Party says: de-rail the train!
It is difficult for anyone thinking of resisting. There is pressure from certain collaborators in the community like a few businesspeople and clergy. There is pressure from the liberal media. There is pressure from a small group of refugee advocates like those around certain Hills lunatic Mel Fabian. There is subtle pressure from politicians.
It is reasonable to believe that the protest movement is made up of ordinary folks who have lived private lives or politically 'normal' lives. Fighting a political freight train is not their thing.
However, we Australians have a great tradition of grassroots activism. We can fight back if a significant minority of us are prepared to fight. It will be thankless in the short term just as it was for our forefathers who struggled for decent wages and immigration restriction when they had no help from the more well to do.
The first task of the politicians has been to divide the opposition protest movement and to undermine it. That has been effectively achieved. Many walk away because the job seems hopeless and the abuse too great. This leaves the core and a still-substantial following. The second task of the politicians will be to vilify and ritually denounce in public the remainder of the protest movement. Out will come cries of racism and the stigmatizing of people at every turn while they get on with the running of Inverbrackie. By showing it a 'done-deal' they have a weapon on their
The stakes have been 'upped'.
The future is in the hands of the people of Adelaide Hills. It is also the future of the Australian People.
All patriotic people have no other interest than to resist. And that means the Community Strike must come into being, slowly, deliberately and with spirit. The Strike would render futile the crowing of success. It would slowly sicken the forces who commit treason against the Australian People.
The choice is yours!
It is difficult for anyone thinking of resisting. There is pressure from certain collaborators in the community like a few businesspeople and clergy. There is pressure from the liberal media. There is pressure from a small group of refugee advocates like those around certain Hills lunatic Mel Fabian. There is subtle pressure from politicians.
It is reasonable to believe that the protest movement is made up of ordinary folks who have lived private lives or politically 'normal' lives. Fighting a political freight train is not their thing.
However, we Australians have a great tradition of grassroots activism. We can fight back if a significant minority of us are prepared to fight. It will be thankless in the short term just as it was for our forefathers who struggled for decent wages and immigration restriction when they had no help from the more well to do.
The first task of the politicians has been to divide the opposition protest movement and to undermine it. That has been effectively achieved. Many walk away because the job seems hopeless and the abuse too great. This leaves the core and a still-substantial following. The second task of the politicians will be to vilify and ritually denounce in public the remainder of the protest movement. Out will come cries of racism and the stigmatizing of people at every turn while they get on with the running of Inverbrackie. By showing it a 'done-deal' they have a weapon on their
The stakes have been 'upped'.
The future is in the hands of the people of Adelaide Hills. It is also the future of the Australian People.
All patriotic people have no other interest than to resist. And that means the Community Strike must come into being, slowly, deliberately and with spirit. The Strike would render futile the crowing of success. It would slowly sicken the forces who commit treason against the Australian People.
The choice is yours!
The Business Collaborators are Named And Shamed: The Adelaide Hills Deserves Better From Those Who Support The Inverbrackie Refugee Centre
As we feared, it would not take long before certain local 'business' people would see the dollars in the cash till from the refugee invasion of the Adelaide Hills.
The Federal government has all sorts of sweeteners. There is 'necessary' building work, foodstuffs and other services that are required by the parasites.
This is legal parasitism. The illegal parasites claim 'asylum' and they have to have their 'claim' assessed. Most will be welcomed in by the Australian state, just like all the others who enter via so-called normal processing and who are seen as 'legal' refugees. This new privileged group also know how to sing the song, but they wait their 'turn'. Who cares? We don't. There is no difference.
Some people can win big by stuffing the leeches at Inverbrackie and elsewhere.
This invasion is a mortal threat to the Australian People. Those who want to profit from it should know that they will become reviled by a real number of ordinary pensioners, workers, youth, unemployed and others who see their country taken from them and given away whilst to utter aliens while a few make profit.
We call on the following Australians to come back from the brink and say 'no':
Mr. Doug Mansell (Woodside Chamber of Commerce). He has indicated many businesses have agreed to serve the refugee centre. You know who you are. We await a comprehensive list because it will be leaked to us.
We also pass name and shame: Pastor Preuss of the Lutheran Church in Lobethal ; Richard Corin (Mt. Barker) ; Clare McCarty (Mt. Barker).
These persons would collaborate. Sadly, there are more!
Boycott any business or any person who collaborates with the refugee intrusion. These people are scabs.
We must praise one worker who wrote to us stating that he and friends would "do things" to disrupt the centre as it develops. Industrial action may have relevancy?
The ordinary people understand what a scab is - and reject them absolutely!
The Federal government has all sorts of sweeteners. There is 'necessary' building work, foodstuffs and other services that are required by the parasites.
This is legal parasitism. The illegal parasites claim 'asylum' and they have to have their 'claim' assessed. Most will be welcomed in by the Australian state, just like all the others who enter via so-called normal processing and who are seen as 'legal' refugees. This new privileged group also know how to sing the song, but they wait their 'turn'. Who cares? We don't. There is no difference.
Some people can win big by stuffing the leeches at Inverbrackie and elsewhere.
This invasion is a mortal threat to the Australian People. Those who want to profit from it should know that they will become reviled by a real number of ordinary pensioners, workers, youth, unemployed and others who see their country taken from them and given away whilst to utter aliens while a few make profit.
We call on the following Australians to come back from the brink and say 'no':
Mr. Doug Mansell (Woodside Chamber of Commerce). He has indicated many businesses have agreed to serve the refugee centre. You know who you are. We await a comprehensive list because it will be leaked to us.
We also pass name and shame: Pastor Preuss of the Lutheran Church in Lobethal ; Richard Corin (Mt. Barker) ; Clare McCarty (Mt. Barker).
These persons would collaborate. Sadly, there are more!
Boycott any business or any person who collaborates with the refugee intrusion. These people are scabs.
We must praise one worker who wrote to us stating that he and friends would "do things" to disrupt the centre as it develops. Industrial action may have relevancy?
The ordinary people understand what a scab is - and reject them absolutely!
6,000 and counting. Coming to a rural town near you!
Here's boat number 126 for 2010 which brings the tally of invaders for 2010 to over 6,000 -
Navy intercepts boat near Xmas Island
Border authorities have intercepted a boat carrying about 63 asylum seekers (invaders) north of Christmas Island.
Members of the Border Protection Command from HMAS Maryborough boarded the suspected irregular entry vessel (invader boat) on Tuesday morning.
The group is being transferred to Christmas Island where they'll undergo security, identity and health checks (before they are given a free ride for life at your expense).
Without any smugglers reported on this invader boat at this present time so far in November there have been 14 boats carrying 707 invaders and 25 reported smugglers. The tally so far for 2010 on the 30th of November (the 334th day of 2010) is 126 boats carrying 6,026 invaders and 300 reported smugglers.
Navy intercepts boat near Xmas Island
Border authorities have intercepted a boat carrying about 63 asylum seekers (invaders) north of Christmas Island.
Members of the Border Protection Command from HMAS Maryborough boarded the suspected irregular entry vessel (invader boat) on Tuesday morning.
The group is being transferred to Christmas Island where they'll undergo security, identity and health checks (before they are given a free ride for life at your expense).
Without any smugglers reported on this invader boat at this present time so far in November there have been 14 boats carrying 707 invaders and 25 reported smugglers. The tally so far for 2010 on the 30th of November (the 334th day of 2010) is 126 boats carrying 6,026 invaders and 300 reported smugglers.
Swiss voters approve foreigner deportation plan
"If someone can research Sweden and point to horrific jumps in crimes of????please give me the email address. We’re a racist and ugly lot, who allow these people to be treated in a manner we’d be outraged over if Australians were treated in the same manner! It’s disgusting and frustrating!"
Well we have shown the shocking statistics for Sweden in the previous entry. Now lets see what the voters of Switzerland think should be done with the ethnic rabble invading their country. The rent a commie who made the above statement is typical of the do gooders who now force the majority of Australians to accept their ridiculous demands.
GENEVA – Swiss voters on Sunday approved a plan to automatically deport foreigners who commit serious crimes or benefit fraud, in a significant victory for the nationalist party that pushed the proposal against the will of the government.
Some 52.9 percent of voters backed the proposal put forward by the nationalist Swiss People's Party. The plan was opposed by 47.1 percent of voters.
Under Switzerland's unique political system, any group wanting to change the law can collect 100,000 signatures to force a referendum. Last year the country drew international condemnation after voters defied a government recommendation and approved a law to ban the construction of minarets.
Concern about a perceived rise in crime led a majority of voters to approve the deportation plan in Sunday's referendum.
"I'm totally for it," said Emma Link after casting her vote in Geneva. The 86-year-old said she had recently been robbed on her way home from a nearby store.
Well we have shown the shocking statistics for Sweden in the previous entry. Now lets see what the voters of Switzerland think should be done with the ethnic rabble invading their country. The rent a commie who made the above statement is typical of the do gooders who now force the majority of Australians to accept their ridiculous demands.
GENEVA – Swiss voters on Sunday approved a plan to automatically deport foreigners who commit serious crimes or benefit fraud, in a significant victory for the nationalist party that pushed the proposal against the will of the government.
Some 52.9 percent of voters backed the proposal put forward by the nationalist Swiss People's Party. The plan was opposed by 47.1 percent of voters.
Under Switzerland's unique political system, any group wanting to change the law can collect 100,000 signatures to force a referendum. Last year the country drew international condemnation after voters defied a government recommendation and approved a law to ban the construction of minarets.
Concern about a perceived rise in crime led a majority of voters to approve the deportation plan in Sunday's referendum.
"I'm totally for it," said Emma Link after casting her vote in Geneva. The 86-year-old said she had recently been robbed on her way home from a nearby store.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Electronic rent a crowd ramp up pressure on local residence.
Ultra Left Wing runs smear campaign on the internet, and stacks local meeting to support Left Wing stooge Immigration Minister Chris Bowen.
Residents start to crack under Left wing smear campaign! "the freight train is coming and you either get out of the way or you get on board."
The Government has been dealing with protests about its recently-announced detention centres in the Adelaide Hills and Western Australia.
At a public meeting in the Adelaide Hills on Wednesday night, Mr Bowen got a taste of the hostilities.
It is planned to house 400 asylum seekers at Inverbrackie, in former defence housing, from next month.
But the tensions are not far from the surface.
Mr Bowen struggled to be heard at times when he spoke at the meeting at Lobethal, just a few kilometres from the detention site at Inverbrackie.
"We don't want a detention centre on our land," one meeting participant said.
"Will you guarantee the safety of my family?" another asked the minister.
Opponents held up placards condemning the Government's plan. One sign used the word Labor to spell a new acronym: Look, Another Boat Of Refugees.
But unlike past meetings, there was a bigger contingent of refugee supporters ensuring they were also heard.
In the Adelaide Hills, Briohny Pitts from the Woodside Action Group has led the campaign against the Inverbrackie centre, but now concedes the community appears to be relenting.
"People have come to the realisation that the freight train is coming and you either get out of the way or you get on board."
One only needs to read the comments from non residence to see the true hatred in our community.
Posted Thursday, 25 November 2010 at 1:07 am | Permalink
What the hell is the morality involved with not helping people who need it? I listened to some of the Germanic arseholes in the meeting tonight - that region was settled by German and Silesian refugees - what bastards and morons.
Posted Thursday, 25 November 2010 at 12:05 am | Permalink
Asylum seekers should be allowed to live in the community after health and security checks. In Sweden, children are only ‘detained’ for a matter of hours, and adults several days. We’re the only country that has MANDATORY detention. It’s unnecessary, cruel and unjust, and very very expensive. It costs well over a $1000 each day to detain a person on Christmas Island, as opposed to about $280 per day in Villawood - community housing costs less than that! It’s just ridiculous on all levels!
If someone can research Sweden and point to horrific jumps in crimes of????please give me the email address. We’re a racist and ugly lot, who allow these people to be treated in a manner we’d be outraged over if Australians were treated in the same manner! It’s disgusting and frustrating!
Will this do?
Minister knee deep in his own crud goes into damage control.
Locals get a taste of the Gillard/Refugee rent a crowd.
Immigration Minister Chris Bowen has taken a swipe at the Australia First Party for distributing provocative leaflets about asylum seekers to Adelaide Hills residents.
Mr Bowen was at Lobethal in the Hills on Wednesday evening to meet residents about the detention centre to be set up at Inverbrackie, in former defence housing.
He said leaflets claiming Australia was being invaded by illegal immigrants were a pointless distraction.
"I think they're disgusting leaflets. I think they're leaflets which add nothing to the public debate," he said.
"They are driven by a political agenda and that political agenda is clearly driven on racial motives.
"I do not think it represents in any way, shape or form anything like a majority or even a significant minority view in this community or in any other community."
The Federal Government is expected to oppose a parliamentary motion seeking to let Adelaide Hills residents vote on whether they want the detention centre in their area.
Mr Bowen told the Lobethal meeting Labor would oppose the private member's motion.
The federal Liberal member for the Adelaide Hills seat of Mayo, Jamie Briggs, said his constituents deserved to be heard in Canberra.
"Our view is give people that opportunity to have their voice to the Federal Parliament, have some of these questions answered and considered by the Federal Parliament before this is rushed ahead with," he said.
Opponents of the detention centre were again out in force, but Mr Bowen said he heard other voices at the meeting.
"If anything I think there were strong views in favour of the facility which perhaps weren't heard at previous meetings," he said.
"Initially there's a lot of concern and a lot of questions. As those questions get answered and the people see the potential benefits for the community then the position changes."
"people see the potential benefits for the community then the position changes". Maybe someone should tell Europe that. Once again nothing but lies and smear from the people who claim to be the representatives of our communities.
Minister slams detention centre 'racial' campaign
SourceImmigration Minister Chris Bowen has taken a swipe at the Australia First Party for distributing provocative leaflets about asylum seekers to Adelaide Hills residents.
Mr Bowen was at Lobethal in the Hills on Wednesday evening to meet residents about the detention centre to be set up at Inverbrackie, in former defence housing.
He said leaflets claiming Australia was being invaded by illegal immigrants were a pointless distraction.
"I think they're disgusting leaflets. I think they're leaflets which add nothing to the public debate," he said.
"They are driven by a political agenda and that political agenda is clearly driven on racial motives.
"I do not think it represents in any way, shape or form anything like a majority or even a significant minority view in this community or in any other community."
The Federal Government is expected to oppose a parliamentary motion seeking to let Adelaide Hills residents vote on whether they want the detention centre in their area.
Mr Bowen told the Lobethal meeting Labor would oppose the private member's motion.
The federal Liberal member for the Adelaide Hills seat of Mayo, Jamie Briggs, said his constituents deserved to be heard in Canberra.
"Our view is give people that opportunity to have their voice to the Federal Parliament, have some of these questions answered and considered by the Federal Parliament before this is rushed ahead with," he said.
Opponents of the detention centre were again out in force, but Mr Bowen said he heard other voices at the meeting.
"If anything I think there were strong views in favour of the facility which perhaps weren't heard at previous meetings," he said.
"Initially there's a lot of concern and a lot of questions. As those questions get answered and the people see the potential benefits for the community then the position changes."
"people see the potential benefits for the community then the position changes". Maybe someone should tell Europe that. Once again nothing but lies and smear from the people who claim to be the representatives of our communities.
Sir Alex Fraser Tyler (1742-1813) Scottish jurist and professor at the University of Edinburgh
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.
In short: democracies are eminently corruptible, they are unendingly corrupted by humans who are easily made corrupt by the privileges of elected office.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Patriotic Poems.
The party received two poems from an anonymous Woodside man. We publish now in the interests of free expression.
T'was movement up at Woodside, where the livings kind of slow,
Where they've lived for generations, with peace and quiet to show,
And the cemetery is full of brave pioneers of yore,
Who spent their life in effort, and even fought in war,
To protect Australia, like many had before
And when the news arrived you imagine their surprise,
Their culture and their history, is vanishing before their eyes,
This thing that's called the Government a traitor to the cause ,
Is welcoming 400 Afghans, involved in tribal wars
To come to sunny Australia, and land upon our shores,
And bus them down to Woodside, and open all the doors
And while our soldiers fight and die on foreign soil,
The cowards they are protecting, come to Australia to claim their spoil .
And live in houses built for soldiers; it makes your blood to boil.
Beneath a spreading gum tree,
The bronzed Anzac stands .
The Anzac, a mighty man was he,
With large and sinewy hands,
A man who fought in many wars,
To protect his family, community and lands .
But now his Memory stands ageing ,
A Relic from a previous Time
No longer hallowed by those in power ,
A memory still green for those souls raging ,
At multi-cultis ,Afghans and government gone sour .
The Future he paid for in blood,
To save his culture ,race ,and history ,
Is being threatened by a self destructive flood,
Of Traitors from within our ranks, and that's the Mystery.
Those offspring to whom he gave the gift of Life,
And left a sunny land of boundless Wealth
Spurn his gift and welcome all the Strife ,
Of foreign misfits in poor health,
Who come to take our Land by Stealth .
He groans aloud ,so hear his Voice ,
Turns in the grave ,so spare a Look
He asks you all to make a Choice ,
Preserve your heritage from Captain Cook ..
Where they've lived for generations, with peace and quiet to show,
And the cemetery is full of brave pioneers of yore,
Who spent their life in effort, and even fought in war,
To protect Australia, like many had before
And when the news arrived you imagine their surprise,
Their culture and their history, is vanishing before their eyes,
This thing that's called the Government a traitor to the cause ,
Is welcoming 400 Afghans, involved in tribal wars
To come to sunny Australia, and land upon our shores,
And bus them down to Woodside, and open all the doors
And while our soldiers fight and die on foreign soil,
The cowards they are protecting, come to Australia to claim their spoil .
And live in houses built for soldiers; it makes your blood to boil.
Beneath a spreading gum tree,
The bronzed Anzac stands .
The Anzac, a mighty man was he,
With large and sinewy hands,
A man who fought in many wars,
To protect his family, community and lands .
But now his Memory stands ageing ,
A Relic from a previous Time
No longer hallowed by those in power ,
A memory still green for those souls raging ,
At multi-cultis ,Afghans and government gone sour .
The Future he paid for in blood,
To save his culture ,race ,and history ,
Is being threatened by a self destructive flood,
Of Traitors from within our ranks, and that's the Mystery.
Those offspring to whom he gave the gift of Life,
And left a sunny land of boundless Wealth
Spurn his gift and welcome all the Strife ,
Of foreign misfits in poor health,
Who come to take our Land by Stealth .
He groans aloud ,so hear his Voice ,
Turns in the grave ,so spare a Look
He asks you all to make a Choice ,
Preserve your heritage from Captain Cook ..
Named And Shamed: People In The Adelaide Hills Who Support The Inverbrackie Refugee Centre

The following souls have put their names forward as persons who, for one reason or another, would permit the Inverbrackie refugee processing centre to come into being:
Dave Mack (Macclesfield) ; Diane Atkinson (Macclesfield) ; Andrew Clarke (Uniting Church Minister, Bridgewater) ; Lynton Vonow (Lobethal) ; Warwick Billings (Lenswood) ; Roddy Emblem (Hills Circle of Friends, co-ordinator) ; Bill Cooksley (former Mayor of Adelaide Hills) ; Julie Reece (Woodside) ; Melanie Clarke (Oakbank) ; Di Franklin (Nairne) ; David Smith (Woodside); B. Wilson (Heathfield) ; Lesley Walker (Crafers) ; Colleen Clothier (Ashton) ; Lois Brimlecombe (Interfaith Minister, Upper Hermitage) ; Dr. Ian Blue (Woodside) ; Pastor Bill Wheatland (Crafers) ; Sally McHenry (Stirling) ; Kathy Stevens (Nairne) ; Martyn Cook (Aldgate) ; Donella Peters (Aldgate).
We also denounce the Liberal Party Member for Mayo, Jamie Briggs, for deceiving the people of the Hills that his party is opposed to the centre. The Liberal Party would never, ever, ever, tear up the United Nations Treaty on refugees. So, they will keep coming. If this liar opposed the centre in Inverbrackie, it might only be because he would prefer to build it in Mt. Barker! To use Tony Abbott's favourite word: bullshit.
People in the Adelaide Hills need to be fully aware who stands in the people's cause and who stands against (for whatever reason) the interest of the Australian People.
The refugee question launches the wailing chorus of false logic and false morality. No: the fact that Australia received 'refugees' in the past, does not obligate us now. No: these people are usually not refugees by any standard of logic, but cunning manipulators who know how to run their rort.
No: Australia's so-called obligations under Treaty can be repudiated at any time. No: you will not go to Uniting Church heaven by harbouring refugees. No: what sort of a man abandons his wife and children in his country, dangerous as he says it is, to flee thousands of kilometres to beg asylum? Answer: a low life coward who refuses to take up the gun.
It is the opinion of Australia First Party that the Inverbrackie struggle is a struggle for the very survival of the Australian People. More Inverbrackies are in the works. How the people of Adelaide Hills fight this struggle may indicate the future of our country.
Australia First Party praises those who want housing provided to the homeless and the elderly, who want the money spent on hospitals and schools.
We pledge that the day will come when - by force if necessary - these so-called refugees of recent times will be returned home. But we also promise that they will return home with the resources to establish new lives provided by the expropriation of the property of all those Australians (sic) who aided, abetted and caused this blight in the first instance.
That is what it has come to in modern Australia.
Adelaide Hills Mayor: Hypocritical Stance On Population As He Targets Australia First For Legal Action

An article has appeared courtesy of ABC News. It also led to television and radio broadcasts on November 20. We reproduce the article in the interest of allowing our readers and friends to appreciate that the struggle of Adelaide Hills people against the Inverbrackie 'refugee centre', is set to intensify.
Australia First affirms that it has distributed material in the Adelaide Hills.
The article appeared at and the text follows:
"The Adelaide Hills council is considering legal action to stop a group drumming up community anger over asylum seekers.
Mayor Bill Spragg says the Australia First Party is letter boxing homes with a flyer that vilifies asylum seekers and incites people to take action against them.
He says it also urges residents near the new Inverbrackie detention centre to shun anyone who expresses support for asylum seekers.
Cr Spragg says he has received numerous calls from people outraged by the material.
"We have been talking to the locals about their concerns and I believe we were making reasonable progress with that and to have this group come in and try to undo all the good work that's been done is really a big concern," he said.
He says it urges local people to shun anyone who embraces the asylum seekers.
"Well we're looking at, we're going to seek legal advice to see whether they've breached any laws and if they have we'll take action against them to try to prevent them distributing any more of these flyers," he said."

Australia First refuses to bow to intimidation. Our members will participate in the popular protest movement as individuals and will support that movement. We do not attempt to gazump the natural people's organisations. Quite the contrary.
However, the party keeps its independence and initiative and will continue to argue its case for a Community Strike. The party will continue to distribute materials in the Adelaide Hills to mobilize supporters to continue the struggle.
Is Mayor Spragg Hypocritical?
Mr. Bill Spragg also has a position on immigration. He is a supporter of a South Australian party similar in tone to the Stable Population Party (which has the support of Dick Smith). He wants immigration stopped! But not it seems, the influx of refugees!
We reproduce from Mayor Spragg's CV issued for the Mayo electorate (issued during the Federal election campaign):
"As an independent candidate I oppose the constant promotion of population growth. There is no such thing as sustainable growth. At some point of time the population has to stop growing so why not right now. We have no idea how many people the country can support so let's stop, take a deep breath and look at the situation before we reach a crisis point. As a candidate that is not beholden to a major party I am free to take a position which best addresses the needs of the voters of Mayo."
Now there is an oddity in all this. Many of these 'stable population' organisations, oppose immigration increases, but still support the admission of so-called refugees! Is there some pseudo-moralism in all this?? Aren't these 'refugees' clear economic immigrants in any case?
As the Mayor of Adelaide Hills, Mr. Spragg knows that Mt. Barker is set for a population explosion and he is aware that this is part-based upon the obvious and continuing immigration program of the Federal government. But he still wants refugees! He must know too that refugees are part ofthe immigration program and they play the role of the culture-buster; they are set in motion to break community solidarity amidst a welter of moral propaganda and State-funding and activism - and then, once the community is confused and divided, the deluge of regular 'legal' immigration follows! Yet, Mr. Spragg supports refugees! He accepts the Trojan Horse.
We say that Mayor Spragg should return to his first principles - and reject refugee immigration. So-called refugees are immigrants and immigration is an idea well and truly 'over' in Australia.
Australia First v. Mayor Spragg.

every move.
Theoretically, Mr. Spragg could become a lightning-conductor for a great Australian people's struggle if he took the right course, given he is half-way there already. Population is a crucial issue for contemporary Australia and the major parties and the Greens just cannot say 'no'. Sadly, we suspect Mr. Spragg will continue to lambast Australia First and betray the people of Adelaide Hills. Will he receive the 'Order of the Toad' on Australia Day?
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