Monday, November 22, 2010

Patriotic Poems.

The party received two poems from an anonymous Woodside man. We publish now in the interests of free expression.

T'was movement up at Woodside, where the livings kind of slow,
Where they've lived for generations, with peace and quiet to show,
And the cemetery is full of brave pioneers of yore,
Who spent their life in effort, and even fought in war,
To protect Australia, like many had before

And when the news arrived you imagine their surprise,
Their culture and their history, is vanishing before their eyes,
This thing that's called the Government a traitor to the cause ,
Is welcoming 400 Afghans, involved in tribal wars
To come to sunny Australia, and land upon our shores,
And bus them down to Woodside, and open all the doors

And while our soldiers fight and die on foreign soil,
The cowards they are protecting, come to Australia to claim their spoil .
And live in houses built for soldiers; it makes your blood to boil.


Beneath a spreading gum tree,
The bronzed Anzac stands .
The Anzac, a mighty man was he,
With large and sinewy hands,
A man who fought in many wars,
To protect his family, community and lands .

But now his Memory stands ageing ,
A Relic from a previous Time
No longer hallowed by those in power ,
A memory still green for those souls raging ,
At multi-cultis ,Afghans and government gone sour .

The Future he paid for in blood,
To save his culture ,race ,and history ,
Is being threatened by a self destructive flood,
Of Traitors from within our ranks, and that's the Mystery.

Those offspring to whom he gave the gift of Life,
And left a sunny land of boundless Wealth
Spurn his gift and welcome all the Strife ,
Of foreign misfits in poor health,
Who come to take our Land by Stealth .

He groans aloud ,so hear his Voice ,
Turns in the grave ,so spare a Look
He asks you all to make a Choice ,
Preserve your heritage from Captain Cook ..

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