The following souls have put their names forward as persons who, for one reason or another, would permit the Inverbrackie refugee processing centre to come into being:
Dave Mack (Macclesfield) ; Diane Atkinson (Macclesfield) ; Andrew Clarke (Uniting Church Minister, Bridgewater) ; Lynton Vonow (Lobethal) ; Warwick Billings (Lenswood) ; Roddy Emblem (Hills Circle of Friends, co-ordinator) ; Bill Cooksley (former Mayor of Adelaide Hills) ; Julie Reece (Woodside) ; Melanie Clarke (Oakbank) ; Di Franklin (Nairne) ; David Smith (Woodside); B. Wilson (Heathfield) ; Lesley Walker (Crafers) ; Colleen Clothier (Ashton) ; Lois Brimlecombe (Interfaith Minister, Upper Hermitage) ; Dr. Ian Blue (Woodside) ; Pastor Bill Wheatland (Crafers) ; Sally McHenry (Stirling) ; Kathy Stevens (Nairne) ; Martyn Cook (Aldgate) ; Donella Peters (Aldgate).
We also denounce the Liberal Party Member for Mayo, Jamie Briggs, for deceiving the people of the Hills that his party is opposed to the centre. The Liberal Party would never, ever, ever, tear up the United Nations Treaty on refugees. So, they will keep coming. If this liar opposed the centre in Inverbrackie, it might only be because he would prefer to build it in Mt. Barker! To use Tony Abbott's favourite word: bullshit.
People in the Adelaide Hills need to be fully aware who stands in the people's cause and who stands against (for whatever reason) the interest of the Australian People.
The refugee question launches the wailing chorus of false logic and false morality. No: the fact that Australia received 'refugees' in the past, does not obligate us now. No: these people are usually not refugees by any standard of logic, but cunning manipulators who know how to run their rort.
No: Australia's so-called obligations under Treaty can be repudiated at any time. No: you will not go to Uniting Church heaven by harbouring refugees. No: what sort of a man abandons his wife and children in his country, dangerous as he says it is, to flee thousands of kilometres to beg asylum? Answer: a low life coward who refuses to take up the gun.
It is the opinion of Australia First Party that the Inverbrackie struggle is a struggle for the very survival of the Australian People. More Inverbrackies are in the works. How the people of Adelaide Hills fight this struggle may indicate the future of our country.
Australia First Party praises those who want housing provided to the homeless and the elderly, who want the money spent on hospitals and schools.
We pledge that the day will come when - by force if necessary - these so-called refugees of recent times will be returned home. But we also promise that they will return home with the resources to establish new lives provided by the expropriation of the property of all those Australians (sic) who aided, abetted and caused this blight in the first instance.
That is what it has come to in modern Australia.
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