An article has appeared courtesy of ABC News. It also led to television and radio broadcasts on November 20. We reproduce the article in the interest of allowing our readers and friends to appreciate that the struggle of Adelaide Hills people against the Inverbrackie 'refugee centre', is set to intensify.
Australia First affirms that it has distributed material in the Adelaide Hills.
The article appeared at and the text follows:
"The Adelaide Hills council is considering legal action to stop a group drumming up community anger over asylum seekers.
Mayor Bill Spragg says the Australia First Party is letter boxing homes with a flyer that vilifies asylum seekers and incites people to take action against them.
He says it also urges residents near the new Inverbrackie detention centre to shun anyone who expresses support for asylum seekers.
Cr Spragg says he has received numerous calls from people outraged by the material.
"We have been talking to the locals about their concerns and I believe we were making reasonable progress with that and to have this group come in and try to undo all the good work that's been done is really a big concern," he said.
He says it urges local people to shun anyone who embraces the asylum seekers.
"Well we're looking at, we're going to seek legal advice to see whether they've breached any laws and if they have we'll take action against them to try to prevent them distributing any more of these flyers," he said."

Australia First refuses to bow to intimidation. Our members will participate in the popular protest movement as individuals and will support that movement. We do not attempt to gazump the natural people's organisations. Quite the contrary.
However, the party keeps its independence and initiative and will continue to argue its case for a Community Strike. The party will continue to distribute materials in the Adelaide Hills to mobilize supporters to continue the struggle.
Is Mayor Spragg Hypocritical?
Mr. Bill Spragg also has a position on immigration. He is a supporter of a South Australian party similar in tone to the Stable Population Party (which has the support of Dick Smith). He wants immigration stopped! But not it seems, the influx of refugees!
We reproduce from Mayor Spragg's CV issued for the Mayo electorate (issued during the Federal election campaign):
"As an independent candidate I oppose the constant promotion of population growth. There is no such thing as sustainable growth. At some point of time the population has to stop growing so why not right now. We have no idea how many people the country can support so let's stop, take a deep breath and look at the situation before we reach a crisis point. As a candidate that is not beholden to a major party I am free to take a position which best addresses the needs of the voters of Mayo."
Now there is an oddity in all this. Many of these 'stable population' organisations, oppose immigration increases, but still support the admission of so-called refugees! Is there some pseudo-moralism in all this?? Aren't these 'refugees' clear economic immigrants in any case?
As the Mayor of Adelaide Hills, Mr. Spragg knows that Mt. Barker is set for a population explosion and he is aware that this is part-based upon the obvious and continuing immigration program of the Federal government. But he still wants refugees! He must know too that refugees are part ofthe immigration program and they play the role of the culture-buster; they are set in motion to break community solidarity amidst a welter of moral propaganda and State-funding and activism - and then, once the community is confused and divided, the deluge of regular 'legal' immigration follows! Yet, Mr. Spragg supports refugees! He accepts the Trojan Horse.
We say that Mayor Spragg should return to his first principles - and reject refugee immigration. So-called refugees are immigrants and immigration is an idea well and truly 'over' in Australia.
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