Monday, December 20, 2010

Collaborators Organize In The Hills. ‘Circle Of Friends’ And Churches Turn Against The Australian People.

The collaborators are organizing with increased vigour now that the first refugees (buzz word: asylum seekers) have arrived at Inverbrackie.

The so-called Circle Of Friends is now active throughout the churches and the business community. Their tentacles of intimidation are everywhere, cowing some people to silence.

Named And Shamed.

We name and shame Tricia Dundon for organizing for the Friends. We name and shame Karen Kennedy who has already encouraged alien labour in the Hills. We name and shame Damien Lataan of Verdun who abuses and ridicules Australians for even thinking to resist. We name and shame the Principal of Woodside Primary School, Mr. Balnaves, who is going to give the 250 Aussie kids in his care propaganda lessons in “cultural diversity” when term starts.

Some 25 churches have issued – as one would expect – a declaration in support of the intruders. They promise resources that they didn’t give yesterday for Aborigines, or the homeless, but for this lot – no worries! Out comes the largesse. Rev. Preuss can lie to the Adelaide Hills people and say that the churches are active everywhere in the community and that this is a local case. No! No! All over Australia, these so-called Christians will pander to Hindus, Moslems, animists and others ahead of fellow Christians, but certainly ahead of Australians.

Community Strike The Way Forward!

Australia First Party says that its model of a community strike is the way forward. You can do it silently and effectively.

Don’t talk to the collaborators. Don’t buy from the collaborators. Boycott their fake-Christian churches and decline all church funds’ collections. Mothers: remember that the Woodside Primary School is out to brainwash your kids – just starve the school of funds and help because now (sadly) you have no choice.

This is your country and it is deliberately being given away. You are obliged to fight back - for the generations of Australians yet unborn!

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