Dr. Jim Saleam and Brendan Gidley
Mr. Basil Hille, South Australian Director of the One Nation party, has written an important article on refugees. If his comments become One Nation policy, then it would mean that One Nation had fundamentally compromised its principles.
We understand that the refugee influx, the breaking open of the borders is the ultimate irrationality which faces all who say they are Australian patriots. It is something which threatens our very right to exist as a people. And it is being foisted upon us by politicians, capitalists, media, church lunatics, leftists - in front of our eyes. Our people are being dispossessed in their own land.
So, some decent people tinker with the hard question - yes or no? Some play clever with it. Some lose sight of what the task of any Australian patriot is: to secure the Australian Nation itself!
Mr. Hille has written:
“Meanwhile, we in One Nation if we are against the arrival of boat people we must have an alternative solution, and one way I or we propose is, stop illegal immigrants in the country of their departure, that is where they board the boats on their journey to Australia eg. Indonesia or where ever, this must be done in consultation with the appropriate government authorities of that country, with any that may slip past those authorities and arrive in Australian waters then placed on planes and sent to appropriate refugee locations and processed along with other refugees who have been waiting patiently for entry into Australia the legal and safe way, other wise they are queue jumpers and are taking a place away from those who waited patiently and earned the right to enter Australia.”
The Australia First Party is not concerned with whether refugees (sic) are illegals, or if they are legally (sic) processed by ten thousand United Nations officials for entry to Australia.
Australia First does not care whether they paid to come by boat (as ‘queue-jumpers’), or whether they patiently waited their ‘turn’. Australia First says: no, no, no!
Australia First would repudiate all treaties on refugees.
Australia First would turn all boats around as the Malaysians did to Vietnamese boats in 1976-9.
Australia First would declare these unarmed intruders to be unlawful combatants in a new type of warfare which will characterise the twenty-first century: the war for resources, land, water and life itself. Those who re-entered the national territory after being turned about, after being provisioned to return home, after receiving full warning – would be sunk.
Australia First recognises that, combined with the ‘legal’ immigration invasion, the refugee influx adds to our woe. Essentially, Australia is being drowned in a sea of alien cultures.
Can One Nation say what needs to be said? The members of One Nation clamour to hear the truth shouted loud and clear! But do some leaders fear the media will frighten the voters off by saying they are a party of blood and violence? Truly any party that allows these refugees into Australia is creating an age of blood and violence ! Who said ‘voters’ are the answer here? Isn’t agitation and action that mobilises the Australian people - what is really needed?
What is being proposed to One Nation members is Liberal Party deceit-politics. Isn’t that what an Abbott might say? It is not a nationalist solution. If such a policy line was ultimately imposed upon the One Nation party – then it would be time for members to vote with their feet. And Australia First would welcome all who are prepared to fight!
We call on One Nation members: do not go down the compromise road!
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