About 200 persons gathered in Lobethal last weekend to show support for the planned Inverbrackie detention centre, which will accommodate 400 'asylum seekers' (unarmed invaders and parasites).
Several already-feeding-at-the-trough 'refugees' shared their stories in an attempt to foster compassion for the imminent arrivals.
Ali Valamanesh, who came from Iran, urged people have an open mind. He spoke the usual touchy-feely line:
"Try to see them, meet them, talk to them and really when you ask 'How are you?' really mean that and let them explain how they are feeling," he said.
The forum was organised by the support group Circle of Friends, which claims 60 members. Friends of the local maddie Mel Fabian were on hand, as were members of certain Christian churches.
Rebekkah Sparrow is a Friends member. She told an interesting yarn:
"[We are] individuals who have just come out of the woodwork everywhere and said, 'Look, you know, we don't all feel the way that people have been portrayed initially, there are many people that feel compassion'," she said.
But the mask has been ripped off and the origin of the Friends has been revealed. This Rebekkah Sparrow aka Rebekah Osmond (engaged to activist Steven Lord ) is the Socialist Alliance organiser of this con job!! Socialist Alliance is a Trotskyite communist party which is allied to the Greens.
So-called peace activist Ruth Russell says it is frustrating to see the community misconceptions about refugees.
"They're still calling people illegal asylum seekers and we all know and it was explained very clearly to lots of the representatives that were there that they are not illegal, but these are the myths that I think we have to counter," she said.
Myths? A better myth to counter is that this lady is a peace activist. Her associates across the South Australian Left scene make her less than an innocent lamb.
The alliance of loons, so-called Christians, Trotskyites and bleeding-hearts of all types, is an inevitable response to the anger of many locals and to the activism of Australia First. As people rally against the government line, out comes the first picket line of defence.
The struggle deepens.
Below is an example of what inevitably happens when Marxist groups take over the peoples cause. As you will note there is no room for opposing views. Please note the language and the threats from these so called do gooders from the left.
Below. Perth Nationalists attacked by Socialist Alliance members at a Free Speech Internet Censorship Rally.
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